PIABC Level 7 Diploma in Mineral Processing
The PIABC Level 7 Diploma in Mineral Processing (QN: 610/3437/X) is a nationally recognised mineral processing qualification that provides candidates with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage mineral processing and extractive metallurgy processes, to assess risk, and to identify opportunities to enhance value.
The qualification is designed to develop the future leaders in mineral processing and allow candidates to create and increase value within their organisation. It forms a bridge between academic knowledge and the practical skills and expertise that are needed in the industry. The general objectives of the qualification are to:
- Provide those employed, or who wish to be employed in mineral processing, extractive metallurgy and related industries with the skills, knowledge and understanding to underpin and enhance job experience.
- Provide candidates with a portable qualification to enable job movement throughout the industry.
- Provide employers operating in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy with a firm basis for judging suitability of candidates.
- Raise the status of those employed in mineral processing, extractive metallurgy, and related industries.
This qualification is appropriate for those wanting to enhance their employment and progression opportunities in the mining, mineral processing, and extractive metallurgy industries and the target audience is recent graduates and those in the early stages of their career working in mineral processing plants, including metallurgists, mining, chemical, mechanical, and electrical engineers, and geologists. It is expected that candidates wishing to undertake this programme will have a Level 6 qualification in a relevant discipline or be able to clearly demonstrate compentency through experience.
The qualification is comprised of six mandatory units and one optional unit, and it is assessed through a series of assignments which are set, marked and internally quality assured by the training centre and externally moderated by PIABC.